Meet The Artist

Kim Johnson

Most of my works are primarily about how we react to our environment and our emotional ties to it. I want to explore the idea of walking in two worlds, one on this planet abiding by the laws of nature and one that embodies perceived mysteries of the universe and who and what we are in our essence.

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Artist Bio

Kim Johnson is a native to Las Vegas and works as a full-time artist. She earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and has decades of applied experience in studio art, gallery practice, and connecting to community through art. Her interests are in depicting our emotional and essential ties to the natural environment and urban surroundings.  Many of her works hover between abstraction and figurative creating a mixed figurative style that seeks to express the unseen in what's just beneath the surface. Part of her practice is to work beyond scale, tackling both large and small works not only in the studio but also in creating large paintings outdoors and painting in public spaces.

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